Henson’s doberman pinscher puppies specializing in black and tan, red and rust, fawn and rust and blue and rust doberman pinscher puppies. Located 1 hour north of Knoxville, Tennessee, and 1 and 1/2 hour south of Cincinnati , Ohio right on i-75 in London , Kentucky. We provide free escort from London, Kentucky i-75 exits 38 and 41 to our home for speedy pickup…
Notice your deposit of $150.00 per puppy now…Remember our puppies are counting on you to give them a good loving and cozy home. We accept Paypal, U.S. Post office money order, or a Western Union money order from Kroger stores. Contact Erich Henson at 606-878-6395 or fill out the form below.
We offer some of the best doberman pinscher bloodlines in the united states, and have been breeding doberman pinschers, on and off, for more than 40 years! Located just off i-75 in London, Kentucky, which is an hour north of Knoxville, Tennessee, and about an hour and 45 minutes south of Cincinnati, Ohio, down i-75! We provide free escort, from London, Kentucky i-75 exits 41 and 38, to our residence, for, convenient, and speedy pickup of your new little baby doberman! Contact Erich Henson at 606-878-6395 or fill out the form below.